You know that I am a sucker for surveys. I have seen this one floating around on a few blogs and since no one tagged me on it :( I have decided that I am going to do it anyway.
10 years ago:
I was having a major case of senioritis. I was also helping my mom take care of her mother who had cancer. She passed away 9 days later. I miss her so much and can't wait to see her again in the presence of our amazing God. Just so this survey is not totally depressing, my grandmother used to own a cafe in town. She was known across the Panhandle for her 6" tall Meringue Pies. I used to love to go to her cafe and help her with the cash register when I was little.
Things on my to-do list today:
- Go to Ulta to get make-up
- Go to Target and see if I can find a neat little thank you gift for Chris.
- Go to Weight Watchers
- Go to new Beth Moore Bible Study at church
- Spend a little time with my amazing husband
- Crash
What would I do if I were suddenly made a billionaire: I don't think my mind can quite grasp a billion dollars...I would probably pay off our cars, buy a new house, pay for the rest of my brothers' school, give away a lot to several charities and set up a revocable living trust (that is all I do all day and I know that I would need one to avoid tax issues).
Three of my bad habits:
1. Asking Chris where my cell phone is. I do this a lot, most of the times it is meant as a rhetorical question and me just talking out loud, but it still annoys him.
2. Being late.
3. Returning phone calls (See I admit it Ry!!)
Five jobs I have had:
1. Salesperson at Trolley Car Bridal
2. Salesperson at Bealls
3. Checker at United
4. Trinity Baptist Youth Intern
5. Courier
Five things people don't know about me:
1. I won the first gymnastics meet I ever competed in and I am pretty sure I can still do my floor routine.
2. I hate the feel of thirsty stones and turn them over and put my glass on the cork part.
3. I was captain of the varsity girls basketball team in high school.
4. I had a cat when I was little that had a clubbed foot and I named her Jessica (aka Juicy) after the little girl that got stuck in that well.
5. I ran over the retarded newspaper lady on her handicapped bike while backing out of the driveway when I was 16. The worst part is that I left her laying on the ground behind my car so I could run inside and get my dad. (FYI: The newspaper lady walked away with a skinned knee and elbow. Although, she did always pull over to the side of the road and get off of her bike when she saw me driving down the street after that so I guess the emotional trauma was more than the physical.)
Don't you all feel like you know me better now? That could be a bad thing!!