Thursday, December 21, 2006

This is what much of Amarillo looked like yesterday morning. We had "thunder snow" Tuesday and Wednesday. Even though it was sleeting there was thunder and lightning. That is one of the best and worst things about living in the Panhandle, we get the craziest weather. Luckily most of it has melted off and it is supposed to get warmer through the weekend. I cant beloeve Christmas is just a couple of days away. It always seems like it comes and goes in such a hurry. I love Christmas and the fact that it brings families together. This Christmas, as most of you know, will be a very special one because it will be Chris and I's first one together. I am really excited about getting to spend time with both of our families and experiencing new traditions that we can make our very own. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!!!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Vast improvement!!! I was so excited I got up about 5 times during the night just to go in there and turn the light on and look at my new bathroom.


Here are some pictures of the old crappy bathroom. These pictures were taken after I had already stripped all of the wallpaper off of the walls.