Monday, June 30, 2008

Crystal, Jacob & Valenzuela

I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel as far as my summer school goes. My EDT 3343 (Education Technology) class ends on Thursday. I have 1 more project left and it is a big one. This class has been great because it is self passed so I have been able to put it off until the weekends, but I have had 50 assignments due over the course of 4 weeks. To say that I am tired would be an understatement. My other class lasts for 4 more weeks. Hopefully I can make it through.

We have been able to squeeze in a little bit of fun. A couple of weeks ago our friends, Jacob and Crystal, came over for a little cook out and to watch the Ultimate Fighter finally. Have no fear, Crystal and I looked through InStyle magazine and talked about clothes and make-up while the boys watched guys beat each other senseless.

Jacob and Crystal have been such a blessing in our lives. Besides the fact that Crystal’s family owns the best bakery in town and has kept a steady flow of goodies coming our way, they allow us to share in the life of their beautiful daughter, Valenzuela. Here are some pics from our evening.

Allie giving Valenzuela a kiss.


How can you resist those cheeks?!?!

Jacob and Chris


Crystal and Jacob!!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

My cheering squad

On Monday nights, I play on a city league volleyball team with Higley, Higley's mom and some other friends. They are usually pretty uneventful, that is until tonight. My small group girls had called me after work to see if I had dinner plans and i mistakenly told them that I could not go to dinner cause I had volleyball. About 10 minutes after I got off the phone with them, they called back and asked if they could come. I know my girls all to well and figured it would definitely mean some form of embarrassment for me, but told them where and when my games were anyway. They arrived at the park in with signs, megaphones and sporting face paint. They yelled the entire time "Go Amy's Team!!!" "Go Team Amy!!!" "You need to have a baby!!" I could not stop laughing. Here are some pics of my crazy cheerleaders.

Haley, Holly and Laney

Holly, Me and Haley

A close up of one of the signs. Yes, those are the words to R. Kelly's Bump & Grind. They are so weird. And because I know some of you are thinking it, no, we do not sing this song at small group.

A close up of the other sign. They are obsessed with wanting me to get pregnant so they can babysit! Would you leave your child with them??

Tuesday, June 10, 2008



I love all of the Gina's designs at A Touch of Whimsy. If you have not seen any of her stuff yet, you should definitly check it out. She has made me some really cute stuff and you can find really good ideas for baby shower gifts. Anyway, sometimes Gina has Freeby Friday's on her blog and this week I won a free luggage tag!! I am so excited. This is design I picked out...
I can't wait to get it and see how cute it is in person.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Campers need your prayers

One of our Hillside Christian students just called from camp and said that there are between 30-40 kids that are sick. They think it might be food poisoning, but they are not sure. Please pray for all of the students and leaders at camp. Pray that God’s will would prevail over Satan’s attempt to ruin their camp experience.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


I wanted to share with you my conviction this morning. Chris and I have been discussing buying a new house in the next year. If I had my way, we would have already been moved, but I know that financially it is better if we save up some more. Anyway, on my way to work this morning, I drove by several houses that are for sale and reminded myself that I needed to look them up on their respective real estate agents web sites to see what the inside looked like and how much they were asking for them. I did and was immediately filled with envy for the lucky people who would get to live in these houses. I then looked down at my clock and realized that I had just enough time to Morning Coffee before I began my work day. I clicked the link and begin to cry at my desk as I knew that God meant these words especially for me this morning. I am so blessed. Blessed to have an amazing husband. Blessed to have my family. Blessed with an amazing church. Blessed with unbelievable friends. Blessed with a roof over my head, food, clothes and money to pay for it all and I always want more. I need to learn to live in the joy of my surroundings and the grace that my Heavenly Father has showered on me rather than wallow in my own self pity.

Monday, June 02, 2008


Ok, I have been doing some backtracking in hopes of getting caught up on my blogging. I think I did it. Thanks for all of you who hung in there through my blogging hiatus. I would like to say that it wont happen again, but considering my 6 hours of Summer classes started today, I would not hold my breathe if I were you.

I have a few prayer requests that I need to recruit all of my faithful prayer warriors help with...

1. The Hillside Christian 11th and Grad camp left this morning for a week of time with God. Please pray for the camp leader, Brandon, and all of the other leaders (Brad & Ashley Ingram, Jordan M., Johnathan, Tessa, etc.) who are helping out this week that God move through them like never before to touch the lives of the 120 campers. Also, please pray for the campers that God would prepare their hearts and minds for the word he has for them and that they would be willing to hear Him this week.

2. My brother, Andrew, set off Saturday night for his 3rd mission trip to Taiwan. Please pray for him and the rest of the TBC team that God would protect them and guide them into the areas were he needs them most. Please pray especially for Andrew as he will be there for 17 days this time and it always take a physical toll on his body. You can follow the events of the trip here and also find a daily prayer list.

3. Doors have been opening for Chris and I lately. Please pray that we would hear God's voice and feel His peace in the months ahead.


I have mentioned that I had an excuse for my lack of blogging and here is my proof...

Kitchen Before

Kitchen After

I am soooo excited about how well the cabinets turned out. Chris and I did it all ourselves. We are contemplating tackling the floor next (if you did not notice, it is dreadful), but we are not planning on being in the house after a year so it is making it hard to sink anymore money into it.

Jen's Graduation Brings a Visit from Papa & Ola Faye

Last weekend, my cousin, Jenny, graduated from SJCA. It was a great weekend to celebrate Jenny and we were all excited that it also brought Papa and Ola Faye into town from Oklahoma. Jenny is headed off to Texas Tech in the fall and even though I am going to miss her immensely, I know that God has amazing things in store for her future.

Uncle Bruce, Jenny (the Grad), Aunt Brenda and Cousin Adrien.
Me, Jen & Adrien

Me & Adrien

Uncle Dennis, Papa and Uncle Mike

Adrien, Ola Fay and my mom

Papa, Ola Faye, Me & Chris

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Our Soldier

Last month, my brother-in-law, Charlie was home on leave from Korea for 20 days. It seemed to go by so fast. I am sure it went by faster for his wife, Michelle and their 2 kiddos, Arianna and Camden. Here are a few picture I snapped before he left to go back to Korea for another 6 months. Please pray that God would keep him safe and return him quickly to his family.



Charles, Chris and Uncle Joel

Charles and Chris


Matt and Leah's Wedding

** Editor's Note**
It has become difficult when I am telling a story to differentiate between if I am talking about my best friend, Ashley Higley, or my sweet new friend, Ashley Ingram. Therefore, I have decided that they will know be referred to by their last names only. Sorry girls.

On May 16th, Higley's little sister, Leah got married. Chris and I were so honored to get to witness their beautiful wedding. We did not take very many pictures, but here are a few.

Matt searching for Leah's garter.

Leah tossing the bouquet! She looked amazing by the way.

Me and Higley.
Have I mentioned that I LOVE that Higley is back in A-town? I have gotten to see her about 7 times in the last 2 weeks. She is such a blessing in my life.

Chris stealing a kiss from Higley.