Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Is anyone sick of pictures of my dog yet??

I am sure that none of you are sick of seeing pictures of my spoiled dog yet, right? Well I guess you all might as well get used to it cause until we have kids (which wont be anytime soon) you will just have to suffer through looking at this adorable face...

I will have to video her doing her tricks. Her daddy and I are so proud of her!!

Anywho...I observed a 1st grade class yesterday morning and a 2nd grade class yesterday afternoon. I loved the 1st grade class mainly because I enjoyed the teacher. The 2nd grade teacher was like at a 10 all afternoon with her high pitched voice and overly obnoxiously cheery tone no matter what the situation, I was about ready to kill myself by 3:00!!!

Today it was back to work as usual but Chris and I are staying extra busy this week keeping Dylan and Delaney. For those of you who do not know, I have been watching them since Dylan was 6 and Delaney was a baby and they are 13 and 7 now. They were both in my wedding and we consider them a part of the family. I took a great video of Delaney belting karaoke last night in the basement of their house when she thought no one was watching that I will be sure to post later. Well I guess I better go pick up the kiddos!!

OH, Before I forget I wanted to give a quick shout out to Kelly who jazed up my blog!! Isn't it fancy!!


suzspeaks said...

I do like your new blog!!! I would have gone crazy in the classroom too!

Rachel said...

Landyn loves seeing pictures of the "puppy dog"!

Mary Beth said...

Adorable! LOVE the banner!

John said...

How could anyone get sick of pictures of that adorable puppy face? :) Love the new blog look too!