Friday, May 04, 2007

No more Stars Hollow???

I love Gilmore Girls. There is something about Loralei and Rory that I find so amusing. Maybe it is their witt. I am so sad that the CW has decided to cancel the show even though it is one of the most watched shows on their network. I know that Chris and the rest of the men in my family will not be sad to see the show die. I have yet to meet a man who understands or likes this show but, nonetheless, I will still miss it. I just hope they wrap things up well. I should really re-evaluate my life when the cancellation of a tv show puts a damper on my Friday!!! I need help.

1 comment:

Nissa said...

I have watched GG since the first episode and it is my favorite show! However, with the departure of Daniel and Amy Palladino, the show has lost much of its spirit, in my opinion. I, too, am sad it is ended, but I actually was hoping that it would, because this season has been a bit hard to watch at times. I actually was not surprised at the annoucement. My main concern at this point is that I hope they end it well...

Now all I need to hear is that I will still have Veronica Mars and I will be happy! (but that probably won't happen)