Thursday, May 03, 2007


FYI: I did not drop off of the face of the earth. It has been a busy last couple of weeks for the Bunch's. Here is the run down...

On April 20th I had my wisdom teeth taken out. All went well at the dentist office but a few hours later I took a turn for the worse. I had taken a pain pill around 9:00 am so that when the medicine from the dentists office wore off I would not be in much pain. About 12:00 I decided I felt good enough to try a milkshake so Chris went to Sonic to get me one. I took another pain pill before he left and about ten minutes later I started not feeling so well. I went to the kitchen to get some water to cool myself off and soon discovered that moving around was not a good idea. I felt like I needed to throw up so I clung onto the wall to get to the bathroom. I did not throw up but I did decide that the tile on the bathroom floor felt good so I laid down. When Chris came back about 10 minutes later and found me laying in the floor in the bathroom he totally freaked out. He called the dentist and they told him that I probably just needed to eat something so I quickly downed the milkshake. About 10 minutes later my body rejected the milkshake. I continued to throw up the rest of the day. Apparently my body did not like the pain meds so I could not even take them anymore. All I could take was alieve which did not help much. I think it was one of the first true tests of our young marriage. Chris was sooo sweet. He held my hair for me while I threw up and he called the dentist 4 times during the day to make sure there was not anything else he could do. Two weeks later I am finally back to eating normal foods and have little to no pain but not something I would ever want to do again.

Last week we babysat for my "second family," the Needhams. We had a great time with the kids but it solidified our plan to wait a while to have kids. We are just going to enjoy being with each other for a while and not having crying kids at our door at 2:00 am or teenagers on the phone until 11:30 on a school night!!!

This week we are getting ready for a garage sale. I HATE garage sales, but it is much needed. My parents are bringing all of their crap to our house so at least we will have plenty of able bodies there to help.


RyAnn said...

I am SO glad you are not dead! I am so sorry to hear about all the stuff with the teeth. That must have been awful! Brock found a picture of you and him from right after he turned 1 and has been carrying it around saying " Where is Amy?". He loves ya!

Anonymous said...

Man, sounds like you have had it rough lately. I hope you discover some pain meds you can tolerate BEFORE you decide to have children (just kidding). Anyways, glad to see your back to blogging. Love ya "bunches".