Sunday, December 28, 2008


Nothing like being tagged to suck me back into blogging. Thanks Ashley I.

8 TV Shows I watch:
1. The Office
2. How I Met Your Mother (So funny)
3. Dancing with the Stars
4. The Hills
5. Say Yes to the Dress
6. Cheer U (Sorry, I still have some cheerleader in me)
7. Top Chef
8. Project Runway

8 Things that happened to me today:
1. Went to church.
2. Had a mild panic attack because I thought I lost my work keys and they are $75.00 a piece to replace!!!
3. Started a load of laundry.
4. Cleaned out and reorganized the bill drawer.
5. Cleaned out and threw away receipts because my husband is trying to see how many receipts he can stash around the house before my head explodes!!!
6. Put away all of my clean laundry!!! Don't worry I am sure I will have another pile by the end of the week.
7. Looked at paint samples for the kitchen. I decided on Awning Red!!
8. Prayed for a win by the Cowboys!!!

8 Things that I look forward to:
1. Starting to repaint the kitchen.
2. Spring semester of classes. (Yes, I am aware that I am a nerd)
3. Epicenter starting back on January 7th.
4. New Years Day Bowl Games!!!
5. Watching the Cowboys game today (Well I may be regretting it later)
6. Sleeping in Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday morning.
7. Going back to work on the 5th after my 2 week break.
8. Getting all of my school stuff organized for the spring semester.

8 Things that I wish for:
1. A hot tub.
2. A new car. I don't really need one, but since my car will be paid off next month, I really have the new car itch.
3. The ability to be on time.
4. To know what Allie is thinking.
5. A week long vacation with my hubby!
6. New flooring throughout our house.
7. A black Kitchen-Aid Stand Mixer.
8. To feel and hear God every moment of everyday.

I tag Lis, Lindsay, Jen & Ry.


Ingram Gang said...

I hope you get to sleep in really late on your days off. You deserve it!
I'll trade you laundry loads for next week. Wanna?

Jenn said...

I am wondering if the Jen is the one listed on the blogs you read. I didn't know if it was her or me tagged and I will gladly let her be the one to do it. I just didn't want to ignore you if it was me. I promise I won't be disappointed if it wasn't me! Ha!