Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sick, but finally some time to blog

Wow it has been forever since I have blogged. I have had so many things to blog about, but know I can't seem to think of all of them. I guess I should update you as to our requests for your prayers. Back in May I submitted my resume to be the Student Ministry Assistant at our church, Hillside Christian Church. After a very long 3 months I was finally offered and accepted the position. I started on Wednesday. Chris and I are so excited for this new phase in our lives and can't wait to see what God has in store for us. Everything has been great so far and I really think that I am going to love it. I love being around the kids anyway and now I have more opportunities to spend time with them.

On Thursday I started getting sick and today I can barely function. Hopefully, I will be feeling better tomorrow. I think between quitting at the law firm, starting a new job and school I over did it this week. Anyway, I guess I better try to get some homework done. I will try to set aside some more time to blog.

Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers. I love you all.


suzspeaks said...

I'm glad you're back!! Congratulations on the new job!!

Melanie Lyons said...

Welcome back! Hope you are feeling better!