Monday, July 07, 2008

2008 Firm Golf Outing

Last Thursday was our annual firm golf outing. Seeing as how Chris and I are not avid golfers, we usually commit most of our afternoon to the pool and then drive around on the golf cart the rest of the afternoon. This year my co-hort in office crime, Jan, and her family played so Chris tagged along and worked on his putting skills. We had so much fun spending the afternoon with Jan and her husband, Kyle, and their son, Brad. Brad is also a member of our church’s youth group and is an amazing young man. Here is a pic of Chris and I and then more pics of people that none of you know.

Winning team: Allen, Paul, Brad, Warlick and Lewis.


Tyler, Jerry, Terri, Joanna

Chris putting

Brad throwing up the dueces!!

Joann, Todd, Kenzi & Adrian

Brad, Shelby, Kyle & Jan

Bob & April

1 comment:

Audrey said...

I know some of them! Looks like a fun time. I miss the firm golf outing. :)