Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Last Tuesday

Last Tuesday, I went with my mom and brothers to watch my cousin, Jenny, play B-Ball at my old high school. If you did not already know, I went to a private school from K-12!! I did not realize then what a sheltered environment I was in and as I have looked back on over the years I wish I had gone to public school. My parents pulled my brother's out of SJCA after I graduated and they both had such positive public school experiences. Anyone who asks, I always tell them "If you are thinking about putting your kids in private school to avoid the influence of sex, drugs, alcohol, etc., they are going to find it if they want to find it. It will not matter what school they are in." Then I go into a lengthy dialogue about my beef with private schools. I am sure not all of them are the same but after going to that game the other night, I left resolved in my opinion. Wow, I had no intention to get on my soap box about private vs. public schools. I really started out this blog with the intentions of posting pictures of my cousins from dinner that night, so here you go.

Jenny and Adrien

My Aunt Brenda and Jenny

Brenda, Jenny & Adrien

1 comment:

John said...

Let me just say that we are walking/talking examples of how private school doesn't keep you away from the temptations of young adulthood. We put Caitlin in Trinity in 1st grade and she's still there---HOWEVER, I don't think we will do it again next year. I am pretty sure your view and my view of private schools lines up at this point. :)