Well I don't think our life could get any busier right now. This is how our evenings went last week...
Monday - Chris worked til' 8:00 I played volleyball with my old city league team (which I quit because of too many commitments). They called and needed an extra player for their 7:00 & 8:00 games. After that I went home and worked on homework until 1:00 am!!!
Tuesday - Chris worked til' 9:00 and I had class til' 10:00.
Wednesday - Youth Epicenter at church from 6:30-8:30.
Thursday - I had class til' 7:00.
Friday - Finally nothing but, did I mention that we started babysitting the Needham's on Weednesday? Luckily Danny's flight came in at 10:30 pm so we made it home by 11:00!!
Keeping up with Dylan. who is 13, and Delaney, who is 8, left Chris, Allie and I very tired and ready for the weekend. To bad our weekend ended up being as busy as our week. I got up early Saturday morning and took Allie to the groomer's. I came back home and tried to get as much done around the house as possible without having her under foot. Chris worked til' 4:00 and when he got home we headed to Wal-mart to stock up on groceries. Sunday we went to the 11:30 service so we could help with the Discover Hillside class and then we headed home to finish cleaning and start cooking. I did not even get to watch the Cowboy's game!! Sunday night I had my first small group meeting. I have sophomore girls. They are so funny. I forgot how much fun it was to be that young and carefree. I forgot to take pictures but promise to do so this Sunday. Chris is helping the youth minister with a high school boys small group. They met at the park to play football and fellowship. Needless to say when we both had some time alone together at about 10:00 Sunday night we could barely keep our eyes open. Hopefully this week will be a little calmer.
I will have more to post tomorrow about all of the birthday suprises I have found today. Fun, fun, fun. I love birthday's!!!
Is it your birthday???? If so...HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRLY!! Can't wait to hear about all the suprises!
If it's your Birthday - Happy Birthday!!!!!
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