Monday, August 27, 2007

This is why I love my job...

I typically always have a case of the Monday's and today was no different until this little exchange between Jason, my boss, and myself. Just to give you a little background info one thing that drives me nuts about working for attorneys it that if they don't want to talk to a client they tell the receptionist to put it to their assistant. This would be all well and good except for half of the time I have not been updated as to the happenings of the file and I always find myself having to make up an excuse for why the attorney can not talk to them (ie they are in a meeting). The main reason I hate it when attorneys do this is because I DON'T HAVE A BAR CARD!!! I am not allowed to give legal advice so most of the time I can not even answer their questions. I am forced to just take their name and number like the attorney's answering machine is supposed to do. Anywho, this morning this scenario began to play out. The receptionist, Nancy, buzzed me and said that Mrs. Smith (Please note this is not her real name) was on the phone and that Jason asked that I talk to her. GREAT!!!! After my brief phone phone call with Mrs. Smith who barely speaks English, I sent Jason the following email.

Me: Since you were in a “meeting,” please return a call to Mrs. Smith and give her an update on that letter she brought to you. She can be reached at 123-4567.

Jason: I do not need interruptions while I’m trying to play on the Internet. Thank you very much.

Me: I am so sorry to have interrupted you. Please let me know when you get the highest score on Bejeweled and you will once again be available to work.

Jason: I don’t play bejeweled. I play bloxorz and luxor.

I have an even funnier post but I am saving it for tonight. Laters.

1 comment:

suzspeaks said...

That is funny! I wish I had time to play on the internet at work!!! I usually have a case of the Monday's until Thursday at 5:00!!