Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Good Luck Andrea!!

I have been holding off on posting about my friend, Andrea's, departure from Amarillo to start her new life at Texas Tech Law School mainly because I made her a photo album as a going away present and I did not want her to get a sneak peek. You may remember my mentioning of Andrea a couple of posts ago and how much I admire her and her ability to set goals for herself and actually accomplish them. I seem to struggle with this concept at the least bit of discouragement or hardship. Anywho, for Andrea's going away she invited a few friends to the Aaron Watson concert at Midnight Rodeo. In case you were wondering, I have not darkened the door of the Midnight Rodeo in several years but for Andrea we made an exception. We had a great time although, Chris and I were ready to cash it in by midnight. Here are a few pics of the night...
Aaron Watson
Andrea & I
Chris & I (my husband is weird but cute)

Ty & Chris (Did I already mention how weird my husband is??)

Andrea, We will miss you greatly but I am glad you are only a couple of hours away. We wish you the best. Love you.


Shauna said...

Love Aaron ... it is so funny how all my blogging friends go to his shows now and I knew him back in college when he was just hanging around playing guitar...Looks like you guys had a great time!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout-out, Amy! I'm so glad ya'll were able to make it that night & that we were able to do lunch that next week. I loved the photo album. I just realized that I hadn't gotten on your blog site since I left work (funny that I never missed a week while I was working - I'm sure that's just a coincidence). :) Anyways, I've been getting caught up on your last few weeks. Sounds like they've been eventful!