Thursday, August 30, 2007

And the blessings keep coming

I think God is trying to send me a message about how greatlful I should be for everything in my life. Yesterday it was a lesson about love, forgiveness and grace. Today it was a lesson in mercy and greatfullness.

You have heard me talk about my boss, Jason, but, I also work for 2 older attorneys. Their names are Tom and Jerry. Seriously. Anyway, they both started the firm I work for almost 30 years ago. They are both very Godly men and leaders in every aspect of their lives. Tom is retired, for the most part, and lives in Georgetown. Jerry is kinda the head guy around the office and most people in the office who don't know him very well fear him because he is a man of great discipline. He comes in the door every morning and blows by anyone in the halls, heads to his office and gets right to work. Unlike some attorneys I know, he does not spend the day shooting the breeze with the other guys in the office. He is there to work and make his contribution. Over the last few years I have been able to work closely with him and get to see a side of him that not many others do. He has become more like an extra father figure to me and a great counselor. He and his wife were going to be out of town for Chris and I's wedding and they went the extra step to take us to a nice lunch the week before the wedding and share with us some pearls of wisdom from their marriage. The last month has been a hard one for me at work. Without going into great detail, there are only a couple other assistants in the office who are held to the standards that I am. I am not trying to toot my own horn. A lot of it has to do with the field that I work in. We are given a certain goal of $ they want us to bring in over the course of the year and our raise is based on whether or not we meet these goals. As of the end of July I had already surpassed my billings for last year and was only $9,000.00 off of my goal for this year. I began to become frustrated with the fact that I felt like I was working my tail off and not getting the recognition/money I thought I deserved. This was only fueled by the fact that they raised what I bill clients from $60/hour to $90/hour. This is very rare in our office (only one other assistant bills as much as I do) and the firm was about to start making a lot more money off of me and I was not promised to see any of it . It was getting to the point that I was upset having to come to work every morning and was not motivated to work my hardest everyday. I finally decided maybe if I had a talk with Jerry I would feel better. After our talk I did feel better but I think Jerry was a little upset to hear that I was so unhappy. For the last 3 weeks I have felt a little awkward around him. Maybe it was guilt?? Anyway, today I came back from lunch to find an envelope under my keyboard. In the envelope was a note from Jerry that said he appreciated me and a personal check. He said for Chris and I to enjoy our vacation on him. Let me just tell you that I feel like such an ungreatful, spoiled brat. God is so good to me and I take it all for granted.


suzspeaks said...

Hey Amy! That is awesome that he gave you money for your trip!! When you e-mail me from work I don't get it until the next day. I'm not sure you'll get this or not. The OKC Zoo is actually pretty cool. We are actually planning on going on Monday (depending on how hot it is). The OK trails is a must!

Shauna said...

That is awesome. How nice!!! Dont feel undeserving in any way because a work relationship is just like any other that we have. You have to express your needs, you have to have your needs met, you have to communicate, etc, etc... that is what you did - and in turn, you had your needs met.

Good for you!