Tuesday, May 22, 2007

All is right with the world

Last night Andy, the Bachelor, chose Tessa much to my surprise. Don't get me wrong Tessa was one of my favorites from the beginning, minus the cheesy muffin joke, but I was just for sure he was going to pick Bevin just to make me mad. I don't know what it was about Bevin but she made my skin crawl. Ok I guess I will start my workday now that I have solidified my pathetic life as a reality show junky.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know what's wrong w/ me, but I honestly wasn't rooting for either of them at the end. I think it might've been because Andy was just so cheesy & I didn't like him that much. The main reason I've been watching was b/c of this hilarious blog a girl in Houston writes that my brother told me about (his girlfriend makes him watch). Anyways, the after the rose show should be interesting tonight.