Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Christmas Eve

Our Holiday's started off with Christmas with my family on Christmas Eve. This year my step-grandfather even came which made it extra special. Since my grandmother passed away 10 yrs ago he does not come very often. We were so glad to have Dave celebrate with us this year. Here are some pics of the festivities.

My grandma (always alert and chipper)

Me, Mom, Dave, Andrew, Dad & Daniel

Andrew counting his money.

Squeezing in!

Jesus' Birthday Cake! I used Hershey's "Perfectly Chocolate" Cake recipe. AMAZING!!!

After everyone left Chris and I opened one gift from each other (we had already opened one about a week ago). I got a new charm for my charm bracelet. It was a little puppy and is so cute. In case I never shared this Chris' started the charm bracelet for me on our wedding day. It had a gorgeous heart charm for our wedding day and dolphins since we were going to swim with them on our honeymoon. So thoughtful.

I will have more pictures if my mom will email me the ones from their camera so there will be more to come.

1 comment:

Kelly | Fabulous K said...

I love the charm bracelet idea! It looks like you had a fabulous {and busy!} holiday season!