Friday, June 08, 2007

Lunch Treat

Yesterday I got to have lunch with my friend Andrea (The picture above is from New Years not lunch : ). Not only was I pumped that I got to spend a little time with her but we got to eat at my fav place Pei Wei!! I keep meaning to take a picture of Pei Wei from my office window so you can all fully appreciate just how close it is to me but like most other things I mean to do...I forgot. Anyway, Andrea is that friend that makes you really disgusted because she is such an over achiever but you love her anyway because she is so fun. Andrea just ran a marathon in San Diego over the weekend after training for only 13 weeks and she finished it in 5 hours. Really disgusting!!! Andrea is also starting law school in the fall at Texas Tech. She will be moving to Lubbock which sucks but I know she will do great cause that is just the kind of person she is. Love ya Andrea!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww. Thanks for the shout out! That was really sweet of you. It was great to see you and catch up (though lunch is just not enough time), and we definitely need to not wait so long to do it again.