Monday, March 05, 2007

Because I should never be allowed to BLOG again..

I am providing you with a brief rundown of the last few weeks of my crazy life in pictures. I meant to blog and even had several drafts but my mom jacked my camera and it just did not seem worth it to post without pictures.

My Maid of Honor, Ashley, modeling her dress for the wedding. BEAUTIFUL!!!

One of my flowergirls, Delaney, modeling her dress. So cute!!!

Me & my grandma at the Wedding Shower at my work.

The spread at my other wedding shower. It was absolutly gorgeous.

The amazing hostesses (from left to right) Jessica Higley, Kendall Bunch, Judy Connely, Lorana Peoples, Sherill Ritter, Sherilyn Jennings and Cathy Trujillo.

Me attempting to pick up the box of Emeril pans. Very attractive face, I know.

My mom, me and Chris' mom at my wedding shower.


Mary Beth said...

It's about time you came back! Everything looks lovely!

Anonymous said...

I wish I could've been at the shower. It looks like everything went well. Cute outfits for both showers! :)